I Love Failure
I Love Failure (ILF) 2023 is all about education…
Education is so much more than just school, in this life we never stop learning from the day we are born. The best way to learn is from our own experience , but, as Eleonor Roosevelt said ”Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”
At I Love Failure Education you will find 2-days in which very diverse speakers from top entrepreneurs, investors, influencers to high performing athletes and artists, will deliver short powerful speeches about their failures & lessons learned.
Pentru bilete folosiți codul TNR20ILF și aveți 20% reducere la cele regular: https://ilovefailure.world/events/ilovefailure-education-2023-conference/buy-tickets-ilovefailure-education-2023/.
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